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5 Results For 'horrible person'


July 23, 2016 @ (Toronto)

Tags: Bad break up

Me and her had been dating for a year and 5 months and we had broken up 3 times before. Afte the last time she cried and hugged me said she was sorry for being a horrible person and breaking up with me when i needed her the most (my dad had commited suicide few months before) and she told me she would never let me go. Then a half year to a year later we had arguements every other day for a month, she kept lying to me i got fed up and yelled at her. She cried in school her das picked her up and told me never to see her. She just allowed him and we talked a bit she said theres no reason why we cant get back together. A day later i found out for the last week of our relationship till now shed been flirting with a dude from her summer school. Fucking whore thinks ill wait till he hurts her and then ill be a crying shoulder waiting for her. We both argued i said im done talking to you she said good block me while ur at it. Cold hearted whore could never tell the truth.



January 08, 2016 @ (Canada)

Tags: @Idont tag #isthisahashtag

I didn't see the signs. We were together for over two years. The first year and a half was crazy, wonderful, love. Then he slowly began distancing him self. More and more. He never communicated what was on his mind, so I thought everything was OK. Little did I know he was slowly starting to resent me. I was in denial about the distance. I loved him so much and kept thinking things would get better, it was just a rough patch. Through out the relationship I always worked away on and off. I went working away again and he broke up with me after I had been away for three months. later that year I was supposed to move to another town not so far away to attend school for a year. Then come back and live in the town we live in. Because he needed so much space, I didnt think he would mind if I ran off to school for a year to take a course. I hoped maybe distance would some how save us. (Absence makes the heart grow fonder?) Man was I wrong. He had time to stew over things I had no idea he was upset. When I got back from work he told me all these things he had been stewing over, he was mad about this and that, and a few minor events from a year a ago? and that apparently I am a horrible person. I won't give full details but the things he said really hurt. He was not the man I knew. He changed and decided that he disliked me. With in the matter of two months he went from saying 'I support you in anything you do baby' to you are so irresponsible i don't understand why you have to go to school, you don;t need school ect. You have done all these things that pissed me off. I don't want you around.
Then fast forward to five months, he calls me out of the blue before Christmas time. He said he's sad too. It's good to hear my voice. WTF. He was all nice again. I dont understand. I'm still crushed. I still have some of my belongings at his house. I had packed up my apartment (no we didnt live together) with the intention of going to school. I was storing my things at his house before he broke up with me. I didn't end up going to school this year because I was crushed. He left me just before school started. I'm not blaming him, I also had a lot of stressful events happen in my life during the same time. My ex leaving me was the icing on the cake. I just dont understand I thought I was a really nice girlfriend. I tried my best.



May 22, 2015 @ (ontario)

Tags: bad breakup, Horrible person, worst girlfriend

I had been seeing this girl for a year and she refused to keep her legs closed. no matter what I tried, I trusted her like crazy, and she continued to abuse that, first was when we were several months in she went to go hang out with a friend, when I wanted to say hi she told me off and said that the guy still thought they were together and wanted toa void a scene, still trusting her, because that is how I thought relationships worked I let her have her way. she claimed the next day that she cheated on me with him, merely saying in a weak tone "well... I didn't want too..." when I got upset she went aroundt elling everybody who would listen that I was pissed at her for being raped. having been raped myself at a young age thi would never be the case. now my trust in her is shot because I know the rape thing is a straight out lie. I started keeping an eye on her facebook and skype to spot more evidence of cheating. and she hated this and defended herself by saying her sleeping with another guy is none of my business, despite my taking her in from what she claimed was an abusive family and dating her. she cheated on me a second time with another guy and after several days of thinking I forgave her once more. several months passed (to about the year mark) and she cheats on me again with the guy that 'raped' her. this time I have had it, I told her to pack up her stuff and leave. to which she did everything she could think of to stay, blocking the guy and showing me messeges about how she is refusing sex to him now and the like, so against my better judgement I let her stay, not a week later and she cheated on me again, I have had it at this point and kicked her out on the spot. that day she tried everytrick to get me to let her stay, from appealing tot he fact I cared about her to saying I couldn't make her go back to her 'abusive' family and every other manipulative thing you can think of. When that failed she flipped the switch and started bitching about everything, making me to be the bad guy to everyone who would listen, Saying it was my fault she gained weight because I put her on a certain diet (untrue) and that I expected her to be a servant and such. in reality she got to stay with me rent free I made sure she was fed everytime I went groceries (once a month) I would ask her if there was anything she wanted and I even got her a cat that she begged me for, spending several hundred in the process. I wasn't able to hang out with friends without her getting pissed and if I tried to see a female friend she would think I was cheating. but anyways, she is packing up her things she raided my kitchen, took everything she could fit into her bag and then took all of my dishes and every piece of cutlery she could find. leaving me with 2 plates and a bowl. when I confronted her about this alls he had to say was "oh they were mine" when I told her I couldn't eat now cause I had nothing to eat with she says "oh I left a fork for you under the couch" she even refused to give me back the key to my apartment, when her mom FINALLY stepped in to make her she decided to throw it onto the lawn as opposed to hand it to my outstretched hand. 2 months later and I haven't spoken to her since.



February 01, 2010 @ (youngstown)

Tags: Secrets , Games, Lies

I was with her for what feels like almost 2 years. We had our moments you know good and bad just like everybody. To her though I was this horrible person, but I didn't keep secrets from her and always told her how I was feeling. She was the complete opposite we broke up 4 times and got back together. The last time was on the third time we broke up I met another woman she was younger and we had a lot in common. She wasn't interested in me well that's what she told me. After awhile we stopped talking. Well me and my ex got together yet again and I was happy really but while me and this friend was talking I was gonna do something for her birthday and it was also around Christmas to. So she gave me something to help build her this present. I broke the thing she gave me to use and I felt like I owed her. I had forgotten about it but I had it programed it in my phone for that day I got paid. So I figured I would get her a card and put 10 dollars in it and say I was sorry and explained myself in the card. Well I didn't tell my ex and after awhile I got afraid of her finding out some other way. So I told her what I did and why I decided to tell her to. She didn't like any of it and she said some nasty things and we broke up for the very last time. She was my first and I loved her and some part of me still does but I don't think we will ever make it work and it sucks.



November 07, 2009 @ (Arizona)

Tags: failed engagement

I was dating this guy for about a year. I wasnt really into the relationship toward the end as much as he was. I was working full time and going to grad. school, so my schedule was really hectic and I didnt have much time to see him. I had tried to break up with him a couple of times, but he had always talked his way back into the "relationship". I thought the best way to break up was to start seeing someone else. He would get pissed and leave...we'll he got pissed but didnt leave. The next night (after he found out) he said that we needed to talk. I was almost excited because i figured he was going to break it off. I went over to his apartment after class. I walk into a candlelit dinner set up with romantic music playing. He walks out all dressed up and says "the past is the past. I want our future to start today" drops to one knee and pulls out a gorgeous Tiffany's ring. I start crying fully aware that I am a horrible person. He takes that as a yes and starts to put the ring on my finger. I had to jerk back, say how sorry I was and walked out of the apartment. The worst part was that his mother called me for 2 weeks straight telling me how awful I was and that I am going to end up alone.